ASTNA Publications

In our Online Store:

Critical Care Transport Core Curriculum, 2nd Edition* (2022)

If you're looking for the textbook on flight and ground transport, this is the one that covers it all. Comprehensive and in-depth, the Core outlines the body of flight and transport knowledge, focusing in every chapter on the way altitude physiological changes affect illness and injury. All chapters follow the transport professional process and can help orient new staff as well as keep you current on transport nursing. This publication is also used for preparing for transport certification exams.


Critical Care Transport Certification Exam Review Manual* (2017)

Use this manual to take the stress out of test-taking. It contains over 200 questions with the answers and rationales, allowing you to test yourself in preparation for transport certification exams. Designed as an adjunct to the Core Curriculum, the CCTCERM helps to identify areas where further study is needed. Available online as well through the events section!


Standards for Critical Care and Specialty Transport, 3rd Edition(2023)

This new edition of the Standards for Critical Care and Specialty Transport has been completely updated and enhanced. Each chapter has been extensively reviewed and updated to follow CAMTS 12th edition Accreditation Standards. Also included are expanded chapters that address quality and safety risk management issues, current legal considerations in critical care transport, and updated strategies for program marketing and community outreach initiatives.

This edition also includes four all-new chapters: Compliance and Ethics, Transport Personnel Health and Well-being, Disaster Preparedness, and Post-incident Preparedness. Click here to see the expanded table of contents. 


Human Patient Simulation for Transport Environments, Volume 1 (© 2019), Volume 2 (© 2021) and Volume 3 (© 2023)

These books combine education on the fundamentals of simulation-based training with over 50 unique simulation exercises covering a wide variety of patient populations and scenarios. Chapters include the history of simulation training and provide detailed information on the development of learning objectives, training curriculum, and effective debriefing. The often difficult task of delivering effective feedback is addressed, with scenarios providing discussion notes and guidance for evaluation.

Each scenario is presented in a standardized format, complete with learning objectives, a list of required equipment, detailed patient histories and clinical information, timed scenario progression, and debrief topics and questions. Results of diagnostic testing, including imaging and cardiac studies, are included to add to the authenticity of the simulation scenarios.


Pediatric Advanced Transport (2019)

Pediatric Advanced Transport is an all-new comprehensive pediatric and neonatal training resource for transport professionals. This book provides the details of and foundation for how caring for the pediatric and neonatal patients in a transport environment differs from caring for adult patients. Chapters include an in-depth review by system of the anatomy and physiology of pediatric and neonatal patients, as well as a comprehensive discussion of airway management and mechanical ventilation. Other chapters include management of cardiac comorbidities, pediatric shock, neurologic and neurodevelopmental disorders, pediatric trauma, burns, and pediatric surgical emergencies. Special patient populations such as children with renal, endocrine, hematologic/oncologic disorders are also addressed. High-risk obstetrics and newborn care are also covered, specifically focusing on management of maternal conditions that may complicate pregnancy and including a step-by-step physical assessment of the newborn. Additional features include “Practical Applications for Transport,” a summary of key points for transporting pediatric patients with specific medical conditions; many chapters include multiple illustrations.

Those registered for the Pediatric Advanced Transport Course will receive a complimentary copy of this book.
308 Pages


Advanced Trauma for the Transport Professional (2023)

Advanced Trauma for the Transport Professional includes operational and clinical components for managing the trauma patient. Operational considerations include transport safety and physiology, as well as stress/critical incident management and legal considerations. Initial and ongoing care of the trauma patient including assessments and interventions are addressed via a systems approach, followed by a balanced discussion of current management strategies. Special considerations in trauma care such as delayed trauma transport, trauma in pregnant and pediatric patients as well as burn trauma are reviewed. The appendices present valuable information on transport personnel health and well-being and issues associated with repatriation. A brief review of imaging studies common in critical transport is also included. This resource is a must-have reference for any provider who transports trauma patients. Included as a separate resource is the Advanced Skills Guide outlining TPATC Airway and Invasive Skills procedures. 

If you are registered for either the Online or In Person TPATC, this book is included in the registration fee.


Advanced Critical Care for the Transport Professional (2024)

Advanced Critical Care for the Transport Professional provides a foundation of knowledge for clinicians who are newer to transport care. Curriculum includes assessment and management strategies for a variety of clinical concerns common to critical care transport. Learners will cover airway management and the basics of mechanical ventilation for a range of disease states and patients. Special attention is paid to the pathophysiology of critical illnesses or injuries, including hemodynamics and cardiopulmonary respiration. The issues and concerns involved in transporting critically ill special populations, specifically obstetric and pediatric patients, are presented as well.

If you are registered for CCATC, this book is included in the registration fee.



*Study Guides For The CFRN and CTRN Examinations

The Certification Examination for Flight Nurses and the Certification Examination for Transport Nurses are administered solely by the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN). The Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association (ASTNA) endorses obtaining the Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) and the Certified Transport Registered Nurse (CTRN) credentials. The ASTNA and BCEN believe that achieving and maintaining these certifications are one mechanism by which to validate the knowledge required for the competent practice of transport nursing. To apply for either exam, contact the BCEN at 877-302-2236, or go to:

Contents Include:

  • Flight Physiology
  • Cardiovascular Emergencies, Respiratory Emergencies, Medical Emergencies, Environmental Emergencies, Traumatic Emergencies, Maxillofacial, Anterior Neck and Ocular Emergencies, Obstetrical and Gynecological Emergencies, Transport Issues and Community Interface
  • Legal/Organizational Issues, Professional Issues, and Quality Improvement

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