General Membership Information


There are approximately 2,700 ASTNA members, including members from 12 different countries. The organization is comprised of hospital-based, public service, military and private providers of both emergency and non-emergency patient air and ground transport. It is the nationally recognized professional organization for nurses practicing in the critical care transport industry. The majority of members are employed by transport programs. Affiliate members such as respiratory therapists, paramedics, pilots, aircraft vendors/operators, etc. also belong to the association.


Sign Up for Membership Here




Membership Categories

Printable Membership Application

Active Membership
One Year $109, Three Years $287, Five Years $455, Lifetime $1000

Registered nurses actively participating (on a full or part-time basis) as a care provider, educator and/or administrator in patient transport, regardless of mode. An RN on leave of absence from active participation for no more than two years is also eligible for this membership category.

Affiliate Membership
One Year $104

Individuals who have an interest in patient transport and support ASTNA and its mission (non-voting status).

Student Membership
One Year $94

Full-time students who have an interest in patient transport and support ASTNA and its mission (non-voting status).

Military Membership
One Year $95

Full member benefits, including voting privileges, for those who have served or are serving in the Military.

International Military Membership
One Year $114

International Membership
One Year $134

Micro Membership
One Year $49

Individuals who have an interest in patient transport and support ASTNA and its mission (non-voting status). Membership Includes Air Medical Journal Subscription, Social Networking, Career Center Access, Up to date information on Transport Nursing and Air Medical Transport. What is not included Discounts to TPATC, Voting Rights, Committee and Board Opportunities, Discounts for CFRN/CTRN exam, Scholarship Opportunities, Reduced rates on ASTNA Bookstore, Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC), Critical Care Transport Medicine Conference (CCTMC)




Discounted Program/Group Membership

10% Discount

A minimum order of 10 membership vouchers must be purchased at the same time with a single method of payment in order to receive the 10% discount.

Membership vouchers may be purchased for NEW or RENEWING members.

Click here for the Voucher Order Form


Membership Benefits

As a member of the Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association (ASTNA), you receive special membership and discount benefits. Here is a handy reference for you that includes how you can reach the ASTNA Office should you need assistance. Welcome to ASTNA!

Information Resources

Air Medical Journal subscription - published bi-monthly, provides the latest news about current clinical practice and research, with focus on industry news, how-to articles, health care reform, reimbursement, safety and operations.

ASTNA Website - ASTNA's website offers instant access to information about organization events, programs, products and services. This is also where you can find news items.

Special Member Mailings - provide news about important continuing educational opportunities and other ASTNA products and services.


The Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN) and Certified Transport Registered Nurse (CTRN) are credentials, endorsed by ASTNA, as a symbol of professionalism that is widely recognized as an achievement of distinction in flight and ground transport nursing. As an ASTNA member, you are eligible for reduced testing fees. For more information, contact the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing toll free at 877-302-BCEN (2236), or visit the website at

Publications and Resources

Critical Care Transport Core Curriculum, Critical Care Transport Certification Exam Review Manual, Air and Surface Patient Transport Nurses: Principles and Practice, 5e, and Standards for Specialty and Critical Care Transport.

Position Statements

ASTNA has developed a variety of official position statements advocating the best in professional practices. See Publications tab.

Member Benefits and Discounts

Enjoy member discounts on a wide variety of professional items including: ASTNA educational programs; reduced fees for CFRN and CTRN testing; conference registration to AMTC and CCTMC.

  • Networking opportunities
  • Career Center
  • University Discount Programs
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Free CE Webinars
  • Awards (Katz-Mason, Jordan, CFRN, CTRN)
  • ASTNA Critical Care Transport Nurses Day - February 18th

ASTNA National Office
1545 Gulf Shores Pkwy, Suite 337
Gulf Shores, AL 36542
Phone: 303-344-0457

To Email:

Member Photos

Contact Us

1545 Gulf Shores Pkwy, Suite 337
Gulf Shores, AL 36542

Phone: 303.344.0457


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